A Skin Story

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So I know what you’re thinking, somebody talking about skin products that helped them with their nonexistent skin issues. I don’t have pimples all over my face and have not had cystic acne for a long time but have breakouts sometimes, those times have become less and farther between since I take care of my skin. I do have skin issues as follows and these products may help you if you have similar issues-

T zone and forehead that gets oily

Blackheads on nose and chin

Whiteheads on occasion

Uneven skin tone ( even though I have pale/ ivory skin)

breakouts that were more frequent before using certain products.

So there are a few things that you need to stop doing like yesterday before thinking that these products will do everything for you.

Don’t touch your face – ever… unless you’re washing it. If you’re going to try to express clogged pores use a pore extractor that has been sanitized.

Don’t pick at your skin…. ever.

Don’t put your hands on your face unless you’re applying makeup and make sure they’re clean.

And for the love of god do not EVER go to sleep with your makeup on and without double cleansing and moisturizing. This is gross, I’m sorry I could never go to bed with makeup on my face knowing the pores are clogged and greasy with chemical makeup that will cause a painful breakout guaranteed

Now that we have that out of the way we can talk about my process and products. My first process is double cleansing, this is important to both remove makeup and cleanse skin. I use a balm, cold cream or oil to remove my makeup at the sink never in the shower. I apply these to a dry face and work them into my skin to remove my makeup. Its important to do your skincare at the sink and not in the shower because makeup removal should be done on dry skin instead of a steamy shower where your pores are as soft and open as they’re going to be. I think that steamy showers makes the makeup sink deeper into pores (not saying that I’m correct but you’re not supposed to wash you’re face in the shower anyway) I thoroughly remove my makeup makeup then use a soft face cloth to remove any resdue. I then rinse my face with warm (not hot) water and use a cleanser and my Clarisonic if I’ve worn a face of makeup and if not I use my hands a face cloth or conair rubber face device that works almost like a Foreo Luna. I thoroughly wash my face with that then I rinse my face and leave it a little damp apply a serum and face cream and eye cream and go to bed. In the morning it’s simple facecloth, gentle cleanser and warm water then day serum once again on damp skin.

I also have an opinion on what products are needed to ensure you’re skin stays looking great. Chemically exfoliating that top skin layer is important, manual exfoliation when necessary ( Clarisonic after wearing makeup, sweating a lot etc.) moisturizing with what works for you and serum for night and day.

Now my products are priced broad from drugstore to higher end brands.

Gentle Cleanser-

Neutrogena rapid clear face cleanser, all in 1 acne control, clear pore, ultra gentle. CeraVe SA renewing cleanser, foaming facial cleanser. Kate Somerville acne gentle cleanser. All of these work for me and are my go to products the Neutrogena ones are fantastic and they make you feel like every pore is clean. I understand that not everybody may be able to use these but find a great ingredient that works for you and then look for cleansers that have that.

Serum –

I have found one day serum that I enjoy and it makes my skin look and feel great- although I believe that I read online it’s main ingredient vitamin c supposedly does nothing for your skin. I need to say that from the minute I put it on my skin I SAW the difference it made and I use it all the time now I have 2 that I know work but there are many vitamin c serums out there. If you wear makeup I also think serum is important because when you put it on it feels like it’s a protective layer so your makeup doesn’t sink into pores and create acne, it also made my makeup go on smoother. My skin improved so much from serum and my cleansing process that I stopped wearing foundation recently.

Drunk elephant c firma – smells weird but it doesn’t stick around if you can get past that it’s a great serum.

Volition vitamin c serum smells like strawberries works great and has a higher percentage of vitamin c than the latter.

Night Serum-

I apply my serum to a damp face and gently work it in then apply moisturizer to let it all soak in and seal in the serum goodness. Like the day serum I have only found Higher end night serum that work for me.

Drunk elephant tlc framboos contains 12% AHA/BHA which is chemical exfoliant. I really think this stuff is what made a huge difference in my skin. I use this every night if I’m feeling a little dryer I may skip it.

Drunk elephant a- passioni retinol. A few times a week I use the drunk elephant retinol cream instead of the serum above- I also attribute this product to the great changes in my skin. Do not use this product on the same days you use the product above.

If you want to know more about what the products above do you can look ok Sephora’s website or go to the store they’ll tell you how to use them. I have found these brands work for me and are my current go-to. While at sephora choosig what I am going to buy The employees can help answer any questions you have. I would say that my skin is medium sensitivity- meaning I’m careful not to piss it off with harsh products but I can deal with the tingle from the DE Framboos exfoliating serum mentioned above without a rash or too much redness.


so I use oil of Olay the regular pink fluid sometimes and it works for me if I have dry skin and it’s a classic go to for me. I also use Kiehls ultra facial cream (great in winter),drunk elephant lala retro whipped cream, drunk elephant peptide cream. These have not made me break out ever and aren’t oily feeling. I believe the oil of Olay probably contains oil but it’s gentile and I’ve used it for years. Cetaphil makes a good face moisturizer as well as the Differin brand moisturizer, they moisturize without leaving residue.



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